Terms of Use

Welcome to Mohtm. Please carefully review this agreement before utilizing this platform. Your use of this site indicates full acceptance and binding agreement to the terms outlined herein. If you do not consent to these terms, kindly refrain from using this site.

1. Content

1.1 The content provided on the Mohtem website serves solely for informational purposes. It is advised not to solely rely on the information presented here as the primary source of technical or gaming knowledge.

1.2 We retain the right to update or modify the content available on this website at any given time without prior notification.

2. Intellectual Property

2.1 All intellectual property rights pertaining to the content of this website, encompassing text, images, videos, graphics, trademarks, logos, and any other content, are reserved to us or their respective rightful owners.

2.2 Any usage of content from this site is strictly prohibited without obtaining prior consent from us or the legitimate rights holders.

3. Warranty and Liability

3.1 We do not provide any warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, or validity of the information available on this website.

3.2 We disclaim all liability for any loss or damage (including direct, indirect, business-related loss, and loss of profit) resulting from the use of, or inability to use, the Website or any content provided on it, whether due to errors, delays, interruptions, or any other reasons.

4. Amendments to the Agreement

4.1 We reserve the right to update or modify this Agreement at any time without prior notice.

4.2 Users are advised to periodically review this Agreement for any updates or modifications.

5. Proper Use

5.1 Users are obligated to use this Website in compliance with the law, respecting the rights of third parties, and avoiding any actions detrimental to the Website.

5.2 Users must refrain from distributing any content from this Website without obtaining our prior permission.

  • An exception to this rule is the sharing of content from this website on various social networking platforms.

6. Applicable Law

6.1 The utilization of this Website and acceptance of this Agreement are governed by the laws and regulations of the country where the Website is accessed.

6.2 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the Site is accessed.

7. Communication

7.1 Users are encouraged to reach out to us at any time with questions or inquiries regarding this Agreement or the use of the Site.

We eagerly anticipate serving all users of our technology news and gaming website with excellence. Thank you for visiting our site.

  • Last update 28/04/2023
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